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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The First shall be last(Mt 20.16)

So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen."
The familiar story of the hare and the tortoise strongly illustrates the truth of this verse. One afternoon, Hare challenged Tortoise to a race he was sure he would win. Hare was so proud of his speed and despised the slow pace of Tortoise.
At order ‘Go’, Hare bolted out of sight before Tortoise took his first step. The crowd cheered for Hare whilst Tortoise inched forward.
Hare was so far ahead and put so much effort into his sprint that he ran out of steam and had to make an unplanned stop along the route. He was confident that he had so outpaced Tortoise that Tortoise would never catch up with him, let alone overtake him.
Whilst taking a rest on the soft green grass he overslept. Suddenly he heard the crowd cheering, “Go Tortoise, go! You can do it. You are almost there!” Tortoise was two steps from the finish line! Hare got up and dashed for the finish line yelling at Tortoise that he would win the race. But it was too late. Tortoise crossed the finish line and won.
The first shall be last: In God’s dealings with us, He does not keep tabs on who took the lead at the start of the race but on who finished the race that is set before him. It is good to start but it is better to finish well. Even if you have great natural, abilities, be humble. ‘Many are called but few are chosen’: In the celebrated marathon races of our time, many thousands start the race with great enthusiasm and set off beautifully but only a few receive medals in the end.
To be part of the chosen at the end of the race, we have to stay focused, maintain disciple and overcome all temporary setbacks. Have you started on your race, your endeavours, your goal or project, dont give up, even if you seem to be trailing behind all others.
The good book says in Ecc 9:11,
'I have seen something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all' (NIV)

Beloved follower, this is your time, your chance and your day to make it to your dream. It's your season to make it to the top, the bottom is crowded. Make small steps to it, and you will find yourself there.

Go for it Son and Daughter of Zion, Go for it! O my God, the annointing to motivate you to your dream is all over me. Go for it! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. Give me feedback when you have hit the finishing line, and you have defeated the enemy!
Come and pray your way through for your race this weekend at the Prayer Convention at Reversby Hall, this Friday 11 June-Sun 13th, times, 10am -1130pm daily, Sun, 930am-1pm. Saturday nite, Holy Spirit Baptism Service. Dont miss this!. Love you Loads,
Pastor Richardson

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